Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tortellini salad

This is what I made for the tailgate party.  It is the easiest thing ever.  For a group of 15 I used 2 pacakges of tortellini so you can use that to gage how much to make.

Tortellini (found in the frozen section then cooked per package instructions)
spinach - fresh
baby tomatoes - any kind
Ranch dressing *this is the key.  Good ranch makes the salad.  I use Wild Coyote which is local to Utah and amazing

Cut the spinach into bite size pieces.  Same with the tomatoes.  Mix spinach and tomatoes to tortellini gently then liberally add ranch.  The ranch will soak in so add it about a half hour before.  That way the flavor gets in there but the dressing isn't all absorbed.  I usually cut the spinach up ahead and cook the pasta ahead but wait on cutting the tomatoes until I'm ready to put it together.

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